Monday, April 19, 2010

monday, monday

sometimes I think and/or dream things that scare the shit of me...this came out of one of those experiences...enjoy

It is Our Dreams that Scare Us

I fell asleep with something like love
sprinkled over my lips and throat
and watched as the sun slowly turned
into the soft glow of a second moon;
two nights now living above my head
I had no place to go for warmth, so I froze
and stared as the moons grew brighter
passing reflections back-and-forth
like two young flickering candles.

Faster and faster
the moons revolved around the earth
chasing one another as if they were old friends
reunited once again, yearning to be more than echoes
forgotten under my simple astonished gaze.
Faster and faster
the two began to gain speed, forming a new energy
that buckled my knees against its pressure,
and swallowed my ears under heavy dead tones.
Faster and faster
they continuously rotated around my being
consuming each one of my senses
until, finally, they disappeared,
stealing the light into a darkness where I did not exist,
seeking something I could not understand—
constellations were set free to scatter over my eyes,
and the sky was perfect for that moment.

Then, as if on cue,
I felt the earth tremble beneath my feet
as it opened a burning trench of mist,
spewing red-orange heat into the air;
afraid, I turned and ran
faster and faster
away from the blazing rays of light,
the crumbling pieces of dirt and rock.
The land quickly broke under my strides
and I fell through the world on my back,
flailing my useless arms
faster and faster
as if I still had a choice.

I awoke on a cold rock island
and asked the man standing before me,
“Could I have changed the sun?”


  1. I love your writing! I could seriously read your poems all day. have you had any published?

  2. I like your writing style a lot Sean. It feels very fresh.

    Would you like to join the collaborative poetry/art blog Flowers of Sulfur? I need an e-mail adress to send the invitation to, if you are interested. You would be most welcome. :)


    Jenny, one of the administrators at FoS

  3. sadly no I have never had anything published. i submitted a few poems to a magazine once and was denied, but that's about the extent of my pursuit to be published. eventually i will start submitting my work, but not quite yet;)

  4. Wonderful poem. I really like the mood in this one. In my experience, publishing has not much to do with how good you write these days. :)

  5. I'm glad I found your site. I love this piece. You're something else.
