Friday, April 23, 2010

a little different

this poem is a little different from what i usually write but thats the way it goes. let me know what you think...also i am writing on a collaborative site now called Flowers of sulfur. check it out, there are a lot of really great people and works on that page...

The Unobtainable Stars

I am 7.
I decide to become a Jedi
to fight against the evil dark-side,
but the night still scares me
and I pull sweaty covers over my eyes
as my flashlight begins to flicker;
I put my faith in the force
and the fear slowly passes
like clouds over the moon,
stars appearing in-and-out of sight.

I am 14.
Girls do not talk to me,
so I try to move things with my mind:
pencils, paper weights, my teacher's
right and left breasts.
I seem to fail at everything.
I stare directly into the sun
in hopes that I might soak in the fire,
maybe obtain the power of a superman;
my doctor soon prescribes me glasses.

I am 28.
I have been taught everything
that I have ever wanted to know,
and begin to construct my own philosophy.
Some exclaim, “Magic!”
They seem to believe that I have powers,
and I become more than human
as I drink in the high praise of my followers;
I will find something new for them,
something special, something more
than simple thoughts for change.

I am 56.
I have perfected the power of knowledge
and many hang on every word I touch,
yet I have not found my supernatural gift,
my destiny to have one ability
that no one else can ever have; I want
to look up and fly over the trees,
but I need to be the only one.
Staring at a cloud covered moon,
I long for my chance to taste
a quick reflection of the son.


  1. Oh, I love it! It is different from the poems you usually write, you are right, but it's so sweet!
    I think I agree with Kinsey, I am 7 too, wanting to do great things but still afraid of the dark :P

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Interesting, and humorous poem!

    I have read pounds Vorticism essay now. It was indeed enlightening. I didn’t know about it, so thanks. I came to think about how much of existence which is momentary when reading.

    Surely people only comprehend tiny amounts from the vast wealth of information presented to us by senses.
    In any case, your poems do have a distilled, affluent quality.

  4. Sean,
    I really liked this poetic style and interesting life account.

  5. Wow. I really like this one.
    I like how the age doubles in each stanza

  6. Jeremy - this poem is terrific. write what you know they always say - obviously you are not over 50 but there is enough of you in this to make it very believeable ( sp?) and vulnerable!
