Monday, April 5, 2010

it's been awhile

so i haven't put anything up in a few weeks but im back from my little hiatus. this one deals with the holy trinity and i will leave it at that for now. let me know what you think...

10 Years Old: Breaking the Core of Religion

My father once picked me up
and threw me into a window,
but, disappointingly, it never shattered
like I imagined that glass would—
a thousand shards supporting my fallen body
like lost stars carrying me down
towards a cool, impending earth;
I prayed for my green dreams to grow
as they faded under red face reflections
slowly breaking into seeds down my face.

I was the worst son,
small and weak,
with a mouth the size of a window
that I once broke with a green apple;
the fruit went straight through,
because it wasn't ripe enough
to splatter like it should have.
That window was old anyway
like my father
who seemed to only like the ripe apples—
I cut and burned that tree;
the smoke smelled sweet and dry
like the earth it grew from understood
the time for breaking old windows had ended.

I held a broken spirit,
and my father used to say,
“Hide him between your shoulders
and watch him close
but never cross your eyes,”
so that he wouldn't lose his way
or forget his meaning.
I think my meaning
was to be the one to understand
my father's old thoughts
and sermons
the same way I understood
why apples were once planted
around my green yard,
pushed like tears into the earth.


  1. this is good - painful, remembering, what was learned, great concept using the apples - very vivid.
