Wednesday, April 14, 2010

friends do not understand how to fall in love

i wrote this one on a thought of that seemingly inevitable event when two friends try to fall in love with each other and how it usually does not work out for anyone...especially the third friend who has to play mediator and ends up taking a lot of the heat. let me know what you think.

My Two Friends, Do Not Destroy Another Season

I watched in the summer
when you found your first dove.
Holding her gently between beating chests,
you taught her to fly up to the sun
and carry back a taste of that fire.
I agreed when you told me
that she must have been a phoenix,
that time would bring her back;
I even helped bury those remains
as you both fell sick
under the heavy scent of her death—
you stared for days at that grave,
changing windows throughout the night.

Then, I watched again in the winter
when your first olive tree sprouted
from beneath the ice and ashes.
Soon those yearning branches grew hot,
and melted the snow into a lake;
I enjoyed long fishing trips with you both,
before the water settled into a murky pond
and I could no longer land any life or truth.
Again, I agreed as you explained to me
how this swamp had its benefits
and that I could never truly understand—
it was clearly a natural progression of love.
Shortly, you began the fruitless dance for rain,
and everything once green faded into the sand.

I was not the one pouring flames over your bird,
and I did not bottle the water from your oasis;
you two are simply the moon chasing the sun,
a late spring ignorant of a cold ensuing fall.